A Quick Guide to Understanding Lazy Loading Images

Websites and applications aren’t as effective without the right images. Imagine visiting a website and not seeing a single logo,product image or even a simple marketing banner. You’ll be sure to click out right away. Any local seo training provider will emphasize the importance of images in a website’s performance. But,while having high-quality images are highly important,their size makes them the biggest contributor to a page’s overall size.


Here is a brief dscussion on what lazy loading images are all about and how this approach can help improve the amount of time your page loads while still keeping all the images you need on the page:


What exactly are Lazy Loading Images?


These refer to those web and application development techniques that delay the loading of certain images until the user scrolls down and reaches the actual part of the page where the images are. Simply put,images won’t load automatically until they’re actually needed. This is a very common approach for many websites,especially those that are image-heavy.


Why should you implement Lazy Loading Images techniques?


For website administrators,you can expect better site performance and load time. This technique reduces the number of images that get loaded on the page,as they will only appear once they’ve reached the browser’s viewpoint. Because there’s a reduced amount of resource requests,there’s also a reduced number of bytes that need to be downloaded. In addition,there’s going to be less competition in terms of network bandwith,which is highly useful if a user only has limited access.


Another benefit is cost reduction. Again,with this approach,an image isn’t loaded until it’s visible. So,there’s less amount of total bytes delivered on the page,especially for users that immediately click out or only reach the top portion of a webpage. These reduced bytes mean reduced delivery costs and a considerable amount of savings in terms of bandwidth.


For more information,visit:https://www.vishwasthakkar.com/